Wednesday 15 February 2017

OUGD603 Plato Cosmetics - Wireframe Development - Collaboration / Research (Brief Three)

I have a general idea of how my website should look after looking into websites that already exist, however I am going to make some quick wireframes to explore positioning and layout and see how it could work within my own website design. The below wireframe is successful, however I definitely believe the navigation should be at the top of the design to keep the centralisation of content a constant.

The next design was effective, however it focused more on the products to be bought and not the subscription, and this design doesn't really give me an idea of how the subscription pages - the main focus of the website - would work.

I then created a wireframe that was based on an endless scroll. I think this could be really successful, however from previous experience I find these websites really difficult to use if the internet is slow. For this reason I think it will be an easier navigation to use if each page is on a separate webpage.

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